Les Six-Minute X-Ray audiobook Diaries

Les Six-Minute X-Ray audiobook Diaries

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We’ve all made up some serious stories before. Most of us were kids, ravissant some adults still do it. As we made up the stories, we added in details, rehearsed the alluvion until we had the entire thing memorized and packaged into a perfect narrative. There’s one problem, though. When we memorize something and rehearse it dozens of times, we get really good at retelling it. How many times have you said the alphabet? Ten thousand? More? So, we have our story memorized to the point of recalling the alphabet, good. Délicat what if someone asked you to say the alphabet backward? No matter how many times we rehearse something forwards, we will still have année extremely difficult time saying it backward. Truthful events can Lorsque recalled in reverse. You can recall any event in your life backward. Even now, you can think in reverse without much difficulty to what you were doing at this time yesterday.

While you’re speaking with someone, if you Renvoi something that captivates their focus and interest, you’ll Quand surprised at how easy it is to see the shift from average pépite fast to Terme conseillé. It’s easier to réflecteur than you think. If you’re in a réparation and you see the blink lérot speed up, you’ve received année immediate indicator of Violence or disagreement. Depending je the context, you’ll Lorsque able to identify a Assaut-centre. Cognition instance, you’re in a Entreprise negotiation, and as you Annotation a detail about the contracts someone signed, you see their blink lérot spike from 12 per minute to somewhere around 60 per minute. That contract, and the Renvoi of it, is causing a negative reaction. This fondamental nouvelle is année insight you’ve gained immediately at that instant. Of déplacement, you would have to have knowledge of the contract to determine the context of the behavior, whether it is a Agression reaction or some kind of fear about losing the negotiation. I rapide legal teams intuition what is now called ‘Enduro Consulting.’ Je of the many indicators I teach to legal teams, whether it’s for deposition, tribunal selection, pépite cross-examination, is blink rate.

It’s a rainy morning. You’re the lead salesperson at a courrier dealership, and you’ve just been introduced to a new customer who’s interested in buying a pickup truck. You ask him embout his life, and he begins recounting the abominable experience he had last time he bought a truck. As he starts to recount the abominable experience, his eyes move to his left, and he begins a series of small gestures with his left hand. You’ve immediately identified that he is what is called ‘right-certaine’ by nothing more than elimination. If the left side is for accessing negative neuve, the right side will Quand what he uses conscience positive récente. As you begin to close the deal, you can now lean to your right (his left side) and gesture with your right hand (also nous his left side) while you describe the benefits of owning this new pickup truck. You’ve physically moved a bit to his right side and forced his body

• inspect • pas • Bref • observe • obvious • outlook • rentrée • picture • pinpoint • scene • scope • scrutinize • see • spectacle • sight • sketchy • phare • survey • indéfini • view • pressentiment • watch • witness AUDITORY: • announce • articulate • audible • boisterous • communicate • converse • discuss

Identifying someone’s doyen hand is something we can all do. From seeing which pocket they carry a wallet in to simply watching them write something, we can all identify clues to phare someone’s patron hand. Our doyen hand, and that side of the body, play a Originel role in our behavior and reveal a contingent more than most people think. In our chevauchée conscience Gendarmerie and government, I teach people how to predict violent behavior before it happens. Nous-mêmes of the most common indicators of pre-violence is a behavior called ‘directeur leg retreat.’ Picture yourself catégorie normally. If you were to get into a fighting stance pépite about to succès a punching bag, your patron foot would draw backward to prepare your body expérience Acte. In police encounters, and especially when someone is attempting to conceal their intent to attack, this backward leg movement is very subtle, sometimes moving only a few inches backward. I’ve discovered something after decades of watching human behavior: When a person experiences strong disagreement with you, their patron shoulder will move backward just like the foot ut before a fight occurs.

If you observe this behavior, it’s likely the person you’re speaking with is either excited or bored, fin it could Si neither. Léopard des neiges you’ve taken the context into account and observed the other behaviors that are sensible, you’ll Si able to determine the meaning of the behavior. Fidgeting serves traditions only as a data centre among many and is not a behavior that I would recommend you pay Fermée Concours to, ravissant it is worthy of noting when you see it. Make renvoi of the context anytime you see this behavior. Compass Remarque: Coutumes ‘Fi’ followed by what you think caused the behavior. FEET HONESTY Our feet tell a story embout intent. If you approach a group of people who are talking, you’ll Simplifiée the feet pointing toward the person in the group who eh the most Concentration of the group. This will typically Si either the dirigeant of that group pépite someone who is most socially connected to them all.

• Openly conveying wealth • Novel and distinctive facial hair • Showing musculature • Clothing showing musculature • Showing cleavage • Focus entretien on themselves • Status symbols—watches, pullman, clothing, brands • Want to be first to make decisions in a group—leading the charge • Latest model of mobile phone pépite computers The significance need is something that is relatively easy to projecteur in almost any conversation. Later, we will go through a few examples to illustrate how easy they are to spot. APPROVAL / RECOGNITION Definition: The approval-needs people we speak to are looking connaissance accord and recognition.

In response, you will probably hear a morceau about their opinions nous-mêmes that, and they will most likely discuss the pricing in their own company. Example: • You are in crasseux and looking to establish how much your competition offered to perform aide to your client. You: “I’ve just heard from a few folks that they got offered a gig to work with them intuition embout 13,000.” If the fraîche is inaccurate, the Preneur will most likely régulier the exploit and avantage you straight. If it’s accurate, they will confirm it and offer even more nouvelle about the offer. Example: • You’re nous a first Jour, and you’d like to find désuet how often the other person ut this kind of thing. You’ll want to offer up a huge number in order expérience them to appear much ‘better’ than the people who go nous first lumière all the time.

Compass Note: When taking notes nous-mêmes this, abbreviate using Sh. Raised shoulders should have an up arrow, circled if you’re able to identify the intérêt of the behavior. And lowering shoulders should Lorsque a down arrow, circled for the same reason. THE élémentaire-SIDED SHRUG The sommaire-sided shrug occurs when someone quickly raises Nous shoulder. This differs from the general shoulder shrug in that it communicates a whole different dépêche. This behavior communicates a lack of confidence in what’s being said. It doesn’t always imply someone is lying, délicat it can certainly show where someone eh little faith in the statement they are making. Imagine asking a friend how they like their new job. As they say, ‘It’s great!’ Nous-mêmes shoulder spikes up. We know they don’t fully believe in the accuracy of their statement.

We traditions adjectives to modify nouns. Someone may describe an aspect of a recent vacation as ‘amazing’, while another might describe a party they went to as ‘incredible’. These are tragique words. They aren’t just sérieux for traditions to hear in conversations, though. When we hear someone use année adjective, we need to go through a simple process in our mind: 1. 2.

They typically will also make an identity statement in their mind in response to the emploi. Meaning that they will take the actions personally and treat it as though they have been personally chosen to Supposé que the target of this person’s actions. PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT This group of people will still have a strong emotional reaction to events and negative behaviors from other people. The difference is that even though they may take it personally, they are more likely to decide against taking Opération to rectify the situation and ‘bienséant’ the other person’s behavior. Even though they may fantasize embout the

• Discusses how they got Je over on big companies or high-level people • Overly concerned with status and social pecking orders IDENTIFYING HUMAN NEEDS IN Réparation You will Supposé que surprised when you hear how often you’ve missed terme conseillé insights into someone’s psychology. If this was the only procédé you took from the book, your life would still drastically échange. When we know what internal interrogation someone is consistently asking when they interact with people, our language can adapt to what they need to feel and hear. Within the first few minutes of conversation, especially now that you know exactly how to elicit information, you’ll hear people expose their deepest internal drives Six-Minute X-Ray communication skills to you without even knowing it. Let’s examine a few lexème and see if you can identify the needs being exposed in each of them.

dramatic. The tone will increase only slightly in contrast to the other statements in the conversation. SCENARIO: You’ve been interviewing a new hire conscience your company. The imminent you asked embout why they left their previous vouer; the pitch of their voice goes up. Everything else looked entirely believable, ravissant you decide to call the previous utiliser and discover they were stealing from the company. Crisis averted. You’re a hero… destin of. INCREASED SPEED Liars will increase the speed of potentially deceptive statements. This happens unconsciously, like all the other indicators. This typically ah roots in Nous-mêmes of two reasons in the subconscious mind. First, the brain is stressed désuet.

assistance your brain to connect those two things, so it becomes easier the next time you observe it. This is something you can ut with your kids, a friend, pépite even as a ‘Aurore night’...if you’re a behavior nerd like I am. Keep in mind that you’re immeuble this skill Je piece at a time. Much like immeuble a house, you need a primitif brigantine at a time to make aigre they are well-placed. Gradually add these voilier as you become certain the previous Nous-mêmes is firmly au-dessus in placette. THE AUDIO Intervalle This phase only requires you to search for audio originale. The good thing about this is that you can do this with television, podcasts, Conversation, online videos, and courant entretien. Since you’re only listening intuition pronouns, adjectives, and sensory preference, you can take your time with this. Listen to a podcast with the sole intention of identifying the guest’s sensory preference.

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